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The UNLV Baby and Child Rebel Lab upholds the celebration of diversity and fostering of cultural understanding. We warmly welcome adults, adolescents, children and infants from various backgrounds, race, immigrant status, religious beliefs, gender, and sexual orientation. Our commitment is to provide an environment for research that encourages exploration and learning, while ensuring everyone is treated with respect and protected against discrimination.


As a child development research lab, we value and support open discussions and diverse perspectives. We deeply value the voices and experiences of everyone in our community, recognizing that creating a sense of belonging and offering inclusive, respectful spaces for all individuals are core elements of our mission.


Please take a moment to explore the valuable resources provided below to support and fortify your DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives and, ultimately, the well-being of your community.

Black Lives Matter

Resources for Parents, Families, and Educators:

How to Talk to Your Children About Protests and Racism – “This is the time to begin teaching your child about systemic racism and how to identify and refute it, experts say…”


How White People Can Talk to Their Kids About Racism – “Six steps white parents can take to help their children think about racial injustice, implicit bias and how to be an ally…”


Talking To Children About Racism: Breaking The Cycle Of Bias And Violence Starts At Home – “How and how much, then, should parents discuss current racial events with their children?…”


Anti-Racism Books and Resources for Families and Children – “A first step for families who want to be an ally in the fight to end racism is to diversify their at-home libraries with books that feature people of color…”

Our research team members are allies to the Black Lives Matter movement. For individuals who identify as Black or African American, we support you. Although we cannot take away the pain and grief your racial group has had to endure and continues to experience, we are listening to you and advocating for your rights to feel safe and respected. We stand in solidarity with those who seek change and do our best to serve as your allies.


You and your children are important members of the community. We want you to feel welcome and valued when you come to the lab to participate in research studies.

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