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Please Join Us!

We conduct short studies with participants ranging from infants, children, young adolescents, through adulthood. We don't embark on this journey alone; we rely on the incredible generosity of families in our community!


Are you ready to be a part of this exciting journey for knowledge? Take the first step by clicking the "Participate" button below and filling out a quick GoogleForm. Your participation is the key to unlocking the mysteries of our shared human experience! Join us today! 


Participating in studies can be a fun opportunity to learn about your child and contribute to scientific knowledge! All babies and children go home with fun goodies (UNLV Rebel Swag t-shirts and onesies, toys and custom photo souvenirs to share with your family and friends). 

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 7.10_edited.png
Image by Behnam Norouzi
Image by Ryan Quintal

Child and adult participants are also able to participate in gift card raffles. We also have a graduation program in which our participants can earn their Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D.


Will I receive anything for participating in a lab study?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is parking available? 

Yes. The Baby and Child Rebel Lab has a reserved parking spot located in front of the building. A research assistant will meet you outside the lab for your appointment and show you where to park.


Do I need an appointment?

Yes. The Baby and Child Rebel Lab is open Monday through Saturday from 9 – 5 and some evenings. We require that parents make an appointment for their child so we can make sure staff are available.


How long does the study last?

Our infant studies last approximately 3-5 minutes, with an average visit lasting about 20 minutes. Our child studies last 15-30 minutes and the average visit lasts 45-60 minutes. We like for our parents to plan for additional time so we can fully explain the study and your child can become accustomed to our lab.


Who should accompany my child to the study?  

Only one parent or legal guardian needs to accompany your child to their study appointment, but other family members are welcome to come.


Will I be with my child during the study?

During our infant studies, you will be with your child throughout the appointment. For some of our child studies, you are in the same room during the study and for other studies you will be in another room.


Can I bring my other children with me when we participate?

Yes. We will arrange for additional staff to be available to watch your other children. We have plenty of toys, games, and books for their entertainment.


Are there any risks involved?

Our studies are safe, and we take special precautions to minimize any risks that might be involved in our research studies.


Will my name and information be shared with other organizations?

No. Only UNLV Infant & Child Studies has access to your private information. We do not share your personal information with any other organizations.


How can I find out about the results of the study my child participated in?

Most of our studies take a few years to complete, so we regularly post electronic newsletters on our social media pages and website to inform families about preliminary results of ongoing studies and final results that have been published.


How can I sign up?

You can use our online secure SIGN UP page! Of course, feel free to email the information to or call our lab at (702) 895-4651 and speak directly to a research assistant or leave a message.


I have friends who have kids. Can they also participate in one of your studies?

Absolutely! You can have them email us at or call our lab directly at (702) 895-4651.


Where are you located?

We are located on the main campus of UNLV near the Lied library on Harmon Avenue. We provide a map which shows our exact location.

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